what you can do and how you can do it.
This catalogue compiles our knowledge of how the most renowned sound spatialization tools function and their optimal applications. It is supported by a Zotero archive containing documents and scientific publications on the technical and aesthetic aspects.
production & rendering tools | apps & other | DAWs & environments | authoring & encodinginfo
name | author | licensetechnology
binaural | ambisonics | vbap | dbap | vbip | k-NN | wavefield synthesis | otherbibliography
main | binaural | ambisonics | vbap | dbap | hrtf | space & perception | acoustics & physics | architecture | psychoacoustics | neurosciences | aesthetics | space & media | sound in art | sound studies | notationcredits
Edoardo CorderoAladin Ilou
have questions? want to suggest a tool or an update?contact us
all the information present in this archive has been collected through what’s available on the internet or from the tool’s documentation.