spatial audio tools catalog
Spatial audio is a dynamic and complex field where tools evolve rapidly and may sometimes lead to unexpected outcomes. This catalog is a foundational resource for practitioners, artists, researchers, and anyone interested in spatial audio. Its purpose is to provide clarity and structure for experimentation and critical engagement. The catalog compiles spæs lab's knowledge of how the most renowned sound spatialization tools work and their practical applications. Additionally, it is supported by a Zotero archive that contains documents and scientific publications related to both the technical and aesthetic aspects of spatial audio.
production & rendering tools | apps & other | DAWs & environments | authoring & encodinginfo
name | author | licensetechnology
binaural | ambisonics | vbap | dbap | vbip | k-NN | wavefield synthesis | otherbibliography
main | binaural | ambisonics | vbap | dbap | hrtf | space & perception | acoustics & physics | architecture | psychoacoustics | neurosciences | aesthetics | space & media | sound in art | sound studies | notationcredits
Edoardo CorderoAllaeldene Ilou
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions, want to suggest a tool, or report any news.Last update: January 2025. All the information present in this archive has been collected through what is available on the internet or from the tool’s documentation.