Electronic Studio of the Academy of the Arts Berlin // Errant Sound Berlin // Errant Bodies Berlin // Volst / Odio App Eindhoven // Helmholtz-Centre Berlin // Technical University (TU)Berlin // University of Applied Sciences (HAW) Hamburg // Institue for Electronic Music and Acoustsics (IEM) University of Music and Performing Arts Graz // ZiMMT Leipzig // sonible Graz // atmoky Graz // MNTN The Sound of the Mountain Berlin // TAUCHER Sound Scenography Berlin // Funkhaus Berlin // Centre for Art and Media (ZKM) Karlsruhe // Special Interest Group “Spatial Aesthetics and Artificial Environments”, Society for Artistic Research // Sound and Image Group Greenwich London // Sonification project “radical” at Northumbria and Newcastle University // Konnekt // IKO weave